Thursday, January 22, 2009

Long time no see!

Well it's been awhile since I have posted, actually it's been awhile since i've been on blogspot. Nothing big has gone on however, just the same day to day stuff. Daniel is doing great in kindergarten, Jacob loves his preschool, Luke-my little linebacker-is getting more and more grown up, and Delaney who is 15 mos old now still isn't walking. But that's ok with me! Let's see, over a month ago my cousin Miranda passed on this honesty thing to me. Don't really know how it works only that I have to tell 10 honest things about myself. So to make her happy (lol) here goes:

1. Three of my 4 kids were concieved while I was using some form of birth control
2. I have a tattoo on my lower back of a lily. I went through a 'oh no I won't be in my 20's for very much longer' stage. That is my only excuse.
3. My car is so cluttered/junked out that I am embarrased to have anyone in there
4. I am approching the 200lb mark quite rapidly, but I am working on it now. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
5. I would rather clean toilets all day then fold and put away laundry
6. I met my husband my freshman year in high school, though we didn't start dating each other til we were in college
7. I am slowly working towards my History degree. Eventually I want to work for the government in some form or another.
8. I love all 6 of Jane Austen books, though Sense and Sensibility is my favorite.
9. I confess that I am one of those mom's that LOVE the Twilight book series and movie. So sue me
10. I love love love going to my church and my lifegroup. I feel like the women in my lifegroup are like a drug to me. I feel so lifted, happy, and just all around great everytime I leave church and Jennifer's house! It's wonderful

Ok Miranda,sorry it took awhile but there ya go!

Hmm, well when I get something interesting to tell you then I'll be back on. Til then, wish me luck with the diapers, lunches, sippy cups, taxiing, and if I'm lucky a nap.


Meli Palmer said...

We can be nerds together. I am obsessed with Twilight and Jane Austen. My favorite is Pride and Prejudice though. :o)

Miranda said...

YEAH your back

Anonymous said...

by the way. kinley had her appointment friday. shes still not walking. i mean shes taking alot of steps and getting better. but i consider walking as no more carrying-get out of the car and walk to the store-WALKING! lol im terrible. but most everyone says if they arent walking by 18 months then there is a problem of some sort. suuuuuuuuuuuurely they will be walking by then! girls are just behind in the walking dept!

The Wilson Crew said...

Laney still isn't even taking steps. She hasn't taken ONE! I'm not too worried, they said she'd be behind with almost everything since she was early...but still, I hope nothing is wrong with her!