Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The not so far distant future...

I just remembered a conversation I had with my children last week. When I picked up Jacob from his MDO program he was all excited because a fireman had come and visited his class. He got to see the firetruck, and listen to it's siren, and all that jazz. So I asked him, "Would you like to be a fireman when you grow up?" he thought about it and said, "No mom, I want to be a race car man!" LOL, now THAT doesn't surprise me in the least! Luke piped up then and said, "me too!" When Daniel's school got out and I picked him up I asked him the same question. Without even thinking about it he said, "A teacher." I was so proud! I then asked, "why?" expecting him to say that he wanted to help people, or something along those lines. Instead he replied, "Because i want to tell people what to do!" That just cracked me up....of course Luke piped up again and said, "Me too!". At least Daniel knows he needs to be in an authoritative role to be able to 'tell people what to do'. Good Grief! I then asked the boys what they thought Luke should be. The 2 older ones said "A football player!" Which is funny to me b/c that's what I always say he's going to be---my little Jason Witten. Then came my question of what Delaney should be,,,,,"A Princess!" was their answer. That got me rolling as well. Of course Luke had to put in his 2 cents then, "Me too!!!!" I'm sure his daddy will love that!


Miranda said...

i wanted to be a cake decorator when I was little. HA

At least they have a plan Right!

Anonymous said...

omg bc he wants to tell ppl what to do-thats great! hehe! so precious. at least they thing miss teensy should be a princess and not a wrestler or something :)