Saturday, March 21, 2009

The 90 day challenge

I take no credit for the post below. It comes from a former pastor of ours (at Gateway Church) who is now head pastor at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO. His name is Brady Boyd and he is one of those men who is knowledgable, sincere, and not afraid to speak the truth. If only he were in our Senate, House, or any other branch!!! I hope this post makes you think!:

The 90 day challenge: by Brady Boyd

'I am no politician but I love politics and, like many, I am concerned about the enormous national debt and the wasteful spending from those elected to serve our country. Recently, I challenged our church to take a 90-day challenge which would require us to do four things.1. Be thankful at all times2. Live below our means3. Give generously4. Look for opportunities to serveI wonder what our country would look like if our government leaders followed the same principles. I offer my predictions below.

1. Be thankful at all times--Instead of fearful predictions of gloom and depression, our government leaders should tell us the realities of our challenges, but also remind us of our enormous blessings. We have a highly trained work force and we have incredible creativity and imagination. The computer, the airplane, and automobile are all products of American ingenuity and with the encouragement of our leaders the next generation can create the new marvels of the world. God has blessed our country and we should stop often and give Him thanks and remember that He was our source yesterday and He is our source today and tomorrow.

2. Live below our means--I am convinced the reason so many Americans live with out of control debt is because our government leaders set the tone. Debt is a silent killer. It traps its victims and strangles them with burdens that are too heavy to bear. I know this sounds simplistic, but why can’t we determine the amount of revenue that will be collected and set our budgets to a lesser amount. We must tell our elected leaders that we do not expect them to solve our problems, but we do demand good stewardship and reasonable taxes.

3. Give generously--America has always been one of the most generous nations on earth and that is one of the reasons God has blessed us with abundance. The people of our country want to give to others and they want to bless those in need. We need to champion this idea and allow for generosity. We should reward those who give with even more tax credits and give the individual the freedom to decide where they wish to contribute.

4. Look for opportunities to serve--Every recession reveals the character of our nation. I still believe most people want to serve their fellow man and most of us would sacrifice to see others blessed. This season could fuel a new revolution of service and inspire the millennial generation to give their lives away for something bigger than themselves. I challenge our government leaders to stop living for the next election and to lead the way by doing the right thing for the right reason even if it means losing an election. Jesus was a servant who was a leader, not a leader who served. We must be servants at our very core and see leadership as something we do only when absolutely necessary.'

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

mud monsters!

Let me give you a download of the last 48 hrs...... Yesterday was really nice so I told the boys they could go out in the backyard and play. I usually go and check on them every 10-15 minutes or so. I looked out of the window only to see Jacob and Luke playing in a mud puddle. Now mind you, this wasn't your regular run-of-the-mill watery mud. This was the thick-as-glue, no chance of getting this stuff out of their clothes, puddle. It was in their hair, belly buttons, ears, EVERYWHERE! I made them strip right outside the backdoor, and haul it (over towels I put down over my JUST STEAM CLEANED CARPET!!!) to the bathroom. Once there I promptly dumped them in the tub and started scrubbing. I had to get an old toothbrush out to scrub thier finger and toenails!! I actually had to wash Luke's hair twice. After I got them out of the tub I drained the water and...................GOOD GRIEF!!! It was like our own personal mud puddle in the bath...nice. I don't know what took me longer--cleaning them or cleaning the tub! Oh well, boys love rocks, worms, sticks, and mud! I remind myself sometimes that mud puddles will only last so will the fact that they will only be little enough to want to play in them for so long. Too bad I didn't get a picture!
Today I woke up sick! I have no voice. Not a good thing when you're a mom of 4. I think they are taking advantage of the fact! Someone tell me how to umm....speak loudly.....without talking please! I'm outnumbered over here!! Tomorrow there is a playgroup at the park so I am praying I am better by then......all of you who read this please pray the same!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

What is a woman?

Now, before you state the obvious think about it. Sure a woman is a human with the double X's right? Well yes. But we are so much more than that. Our society today looks at women very differently than it did 100 yrs ago...even 50 yrs ago. We are expected to be soft, but strong. Beautiful and yet natural. There are so many hats that we have to wear-wife, mom, student, daughter, sister, working woman, working mom, stay at home mom.

There is also what I would like to call 'sub-hats'. Roles within our role. For instance, if you're a stay at home mom then you are also cook, maid, nurse, taxi driver, teacher, etc. If you work outside the home then your are probably all that plus whatever your job entails you to do.

Now, before you say 'whats your point Amy? Why am I wasting my 2 mins reading this?" I want to think about all those roles we have to fill. How tough are they? How easy is it to strive to be superwoman? How disheartening to realize you aren't. Are you drowning, so to speak, in some of those roles? I know I have felt like I was drowning a few times....once I was afraid I wouldn't come back to the surface.

My point is, being a woman is hard work. In lifegroup we are studying Esther by Beth Moore. I have been doing my 'homework' and the thought that has stayed on my brain is that no matter the year, no matter the society, no matter the station in life, it's tough to be us! AND it will always be tough...but we don't have to be superwoman.

It's hard for me to admit I can't do something...but yet so freeing when I finally do. It's like Jesus pours the balm on my wounds when I finally let go and give it to Him. It's what saved me from my virtual 'drowning' a few months back.

Why did I write this note? Who knows, maybe I'm feeling sentimental and emotional, lol. Maybe I was bored. Or maybe there's someone out there who is drowning and can relate.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. I hope everyone has a wonderful (dry) weekend!!! Love you all!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009


OK, Jake's pic is on here now!


Ok for some reason they are at the bottom of my page, not this post. So go to the page where you can see all of my posts and scroll down to the bottom. Jake's will be on here soon, he is having them taken today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The not so far distant future...

I just remembered a conversation I had with my children last week. When I picked up Jacob from his MDO program he was all excited because a fireman had come and visited his class. He got to see the firetruck, and listen to it's siren, and all that jazz. So I asked him, "Would you like to be a fireman when you grow up?" he thought about it and said, "No mom, I want to be a race car man!" LOL, now THAT doesn't surprise me in the least! Luke piped up then and said, "me too!" When Daniel's school got out and I picked him up I asked him the same question. Without even thinking about it he said, "A teacher." I was so proud! I then asked, "why?" expecting him to say that he wanted to help people, or something along those lines. Instead he replied, "Because i want to tell people what to do!" That just cracked me up....of course Luke piped up again and said, "Me too!". At least Daniel knows he needs to be in an authoritative role to be able to 'tell people what to do'. Good Grief! I then asked the boys what they thought Luke should be. The 2 older ones said "A football player!" Which is funny to me b/c that's what I always say he's going to be---my little Jason Witten. Then came my question of what Delaney should be,,,,,"A Princess!" was their answer. That got me rolling as well. Of course Luke had to put in his 2 cents then, "Me too!!!!" I'm sure his daddy will love that!


Today is a 'snow day'. Everything that goes on on Wed. was cancelled. No school for Daniel, no pre-school for Jacob, no church nursery for Luke and Delaney, and no lifegroup for me :( I was really bummed last night when it all was cancelled....BUT we are having one of those lazy days where all of us are still in our pj's. The older 2 have gone outside a time or two (still in pj's but with coats, socks and shoes) to slide on the ice. Tonight I am going to dinner with an old friend whom I haven't seen in quite awhile. AND I will be going without kids....I can actually eat my own peace...without having to haul a little rear end back into their seat! It looks as if the ice will be long gone before long, the sun is shining so bright.
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? Psalm 56:4
I pray everyone has a blessed and wonderful day!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Hello Hello Hello! Today is Sunday and what a wonderful Sunday it is! For any of you who don't already listen to his messages, you really should listen to Pastor Robert's current series on the Holy Spirit. If you are like me and grew up in a church where the Holy Spirit was just a name, a part of the Trinity, and that was it this will really open your eyes. Just go to the website here and there will be a link to watch or just listen to them. I have really found a home here at Gateway. I can't imagine moving away and not being able to go (no we're not moving!). The kids love going and having fun while learning about Jesus, and I just can't seem to get enough of the wonderful friends that I have found there.
On another note, Derek is taking me to San Antonio this June to make up for me turning 30 this yr! LOL! We are staying at the Hilton Palacio del Rio the weekend of June 12-14. It's right on the Riverwalk. I can't wait!!! Derek went all out for me and chose a hotel right on the riverwalk rather than a few miles or blocks away. He says "you only turn 30 once!" (thank goodness for that huh? lol)
Well, better get back to the kiddos! Hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday and great weekend!
Love you all,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Long time no see!

Well it's been awhile since I have posted, actually it's been awhile since i've been on blogspot. Nothing big has gone on however, just the same day to day stuff. Daniel is doing great in kindergarten, Jacob loves his preschool, Luke-my little linebacker-is getting more and more grown up, and Delaney who is 15 mos old now still isn't walking. But that's ok with me! Let's see, over a month ago my cousin Miranda passed on this honesty thing to me. Don't really know how it works only that I have to tell 10 honest things about myself. So to make her happy (lol) here goes:

1. Three of my 4 kids were concieved while I was using some form of birth control
2. I have a tattoo on my lower back of a lily. I went through a 'oh no I won't be in my 20's for very much longer' stage. That is my only excuse.
3. My car is so cluttered/junked out that I am embarrased to have anyone in there
4. I am approching the 200lb mark quite rapidly, but I am working on it now. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
5. I would rather clean toilets all day then fold and put away laundry
6. I met my husband my freshman year in high school, though we didn't start dating each other til we were in college
7. I am slowly working towards my History degree. Eventually I want to work for the government in some form or another.
8. I love all 6 of Jane Austen books, though Sense and Sensibility is my favorite.
9. I confess that I am one of those mom's that LOVE the Twilight book series and movie. So sue me
10. I love love love going to my church and my lifegroup. I feel like the women in my lifegroup are like a drug to me. I feel so lifted, happy, and just all around great everytime I leave church and Jennifer's house! It's wonderful

Ok Miranda,sorry it took awhile but there ya go!

Hmm, well when I get something interesting to tell you then I'll be back on. Til then, wish me luck with the diapers, lunches, sippy cups, taxiing, and if I'm lucky a nap.